Email deliverability – GMX
27 February 2024
There appears to be a problem recently with deliverability of website emails to mailboxes at GMX:
From the logs it appears that some emails are being held up for up to 24 hours with the message "Deferred: 451-Requested action aborted" before finally being accepted "stat=Sent (Requested mail action okay, completed)".
One client has reported that the problems with GMX may be to do with DKIM mis-alignment, but emails sent from the website do not have DKIM so that would be strange.
Also the DMARC standard, for what it's worth, states that SPF alignment should be sufficient for white-listing incoming emails.
Update: we have now implemented DKIM signatures for most of our hosted domains and emails now seem to be getting through to GMX mailboxes, though still with some delay.
More information as it comes to hand...
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